The World Cancer Day takes place on 4th February, 2017 under the tag line ‘We can . I can. ‘ According to the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), Cancer still remains a major threat of the world, which will be responsible for the estimated deaths of 21.7 million people per year in less than two decades time.

In relation to this, the global cancer body advises the global public to work aggressively on the preventive aspects of the disease. As research has indicated, more than one third of all Cancers are preventable through lifestyle changes such as being physically fit and leading a healthy life style.

Apart from prevention, researches also implied that physical activity significantly helps cancer patients , not only to manage the life-altering side- effects of treatments such as fatigue , depression and heart damage , but also in reducing the risk of the disease worsening or recurring.

Thus on this World Cancer Day, YE Ethiopia Cancer Association strongly urge all Ethiopians to stay fit to defeat Cancer.

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