1. Fight against tobacco to reduce the risk of Cancer through anti tobacco youth clubs in Ethiopia

1.1 Project identification

Project Title:  Fight against tobacco to reduce the risk of Cancer through anti tobacco youth clubs in Ethiopia

General Objective:  To contribute to the reduction of the incidence of tobacco related Cancers in Ethiopia

Duration of the project:  3 years

Time of commencement:  when the fund is secured

Area of operation:  Six secondary schools in Addis Ababa

Beneficiaries:  36,000 students and their families, school communities of those six schools and the public around the target schools

Implementation agency:  YE Ethiopia Cancer Association

Total project budget: 2, 560,390.00 birr

Direct Project cost:   2,149,990.00 birr

Administrative Cost: 41, 440.00 birr

1.2 Executive Summary

Tobacco is one of the major risk factor for most diseases such as Cancer, Cardio vascular disease, diabetes and some chronic respiratory diseases. In fact it is a cause for a number of Cancer types such as cancers of the lung , lip , oral cavity , pharynx , esophagus , stomach , pancreas, uterine , urinary bladder , leukemia , liver and kidney .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO ) 2015 report , Tobacco kills around 6 million people each year where more than 5 million of those deaths are the result of direct Tobacco use while more than 600,000 are the result of non smokers being exposed to second hand smoke. What makes it worse is that 80 % of the world’s 1 billion smokers live in middle and low income countries like Ethiopia.

This signifies Tobacco use is rapidly growing in low income countries like Ethiopia which are least prepared to deal with the social and financial consequences of this global public health tragedy more than ever. However a recent and a concrete data regarding its burden in the country is lacking .

Ethiopia is among those countries which signed the WHO Framework Convention On Tobacco control in 2004, even though it doesn’t effectively enforced it . Alike to many countries, the vast majorities of Tobacco users in the country are hooked when they are teens, being influenced by peer pressure and passive smoking. Hence in most cases adult smokers remain exposed to death at a middle age when they are most productive for their families and societies.

Therefore in recognition of the inherent danger of Tobacco use among school adolescents; the rapidly growing Cancer burden in Ethiopia and lack of effective enforcement of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco control in the country , YE Ethiopia Cancer Association has developed this project entitled ?’ Fight against tobacco to reduce the risk of Cancer through anti tobacco youth clubs in Ethiopia.”

The project is aimed to increase the target populations’ awareness on tobacco being one of the major risk factors of Cancer.

A significant enhancement both in youths’ about the inherent danger of Tobacco use and also in the commitment of Ethiopian government towards the effective enforcement of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco are the expected results of the project .

Conducting an advocacy campaigns; preparing training manuals & guidelines ; training core facilitators ; conducting a face to face awareness education ; producing and distributing brochures & booklets and strengthening anti tobacco clubs are the major components of the project’s activities .

2. Fight against Cancer through awareness education in Ethiopia

2.1 Project identification

Project Title: Fight against Cancer through awareness education in Ethiopia

General Objective:  To contribute in the reduction of deaths due to Cancer in Ethiopia through promoting awareness on Cancer prevention , early detection , treatment and care.

Duration of the project:  January 2009 ? December 2011

Area of operation:  3 hospitals in Addis Ababa: Tikur Anbessa Hospital , Zewditu Hospital and Yekatit 12 Hospital

Beneficiaries:  250, 000 people visiting those three hospitals in a year

Donor: Axios Foundation

Implementation agency: YE Ethiopia Cancer Association

Total project budget:   751, 028. 93 birr

Direct project cost:  550, 898.00 birr

Administrative Cost:  200, 131 .00 birr

2.2 Executive Summary

Cancer is one of the most chronic diseases, globally affecting all people irrespective of race ,sex and age. According to the World Health Organization (WHO ) 2015 report , 14 million new Cancer cases and 8.2 million Cancer and Cancer related deaths were registered worldwide. It is also expected that the number of new Cancer cases could rise to 70 % over the next two decades, that is from 14 million to 22 million in 2030. Unfortunately more than 60 % of the world?s total new Cancer cases occur in least developed countries like Ethiopia , which account for 70 % of the world?s Cancer deaths ( WHO 2015 ).

Although there is no national Cancer registry in Ethiopia, a survey from FDRE Ministry Of Health and Addis Ababa Cancer registry indicates that 64,000 new cases of Cancer occur annually where Cervical and Breast Cancer constitute the significant majority of these cases. The problem rose from too little peoples? awareness about Cancer, a very limited treatment facilities and too little government?s and other stakeholder?s intervention. Hence most of the people in the country are already with the advanced stage of Cancer when they show up at the Hospitals.

Therefore in recognition of the problem, YE Ethiopia Cancer Association has developed this project entitled ?? Fight against Cancer through awareness education in Ethiopia.?? The scope of target for this project are patients and their families visiting the three Hospitals in Addis Ababa : Tikur Anbessa Hospital , ZewdituHospital and Yekatit 12 Hospital .

The project is aimed to increase the access of Cancer related information to Cancer patients , their families and other people visiting the target hospitals in particular and the public living around the target hospitals .

Conducting a face to face awareness education and producing & distributing brochures are the major components of the project.

3. Production of a documentary film on the magnitude of Cancer problems in Ethiopia and challenges Cancer patients face during their hospital follow ups

3.1 Project identification

Project Title: Production of a documentary film on the magnitude of Cancer problems in Ethiopia and challenges Cancer patients face during their hospital follow ups .

General Objective:  To demonstrate the extent of Cancer problem in Ethiopia so that intervention of various stakeholders and the people could be enhanced.

Duration of the project:  1 year

Area of operation: The city of Addis Ababa and some regions of Ethiopia

Beneficiaries: A considerable number of people in Ethiopia

Implementation agency: YE Ethiopia Cancer Association

Total project budget:  1, 350, 000. 00 birr

3.2 Executive Summary

Cancer is one of the most chronic diseases, globally affecting all people irrespective of race ,sex and age. According to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) 2015 report , 14 million new Cancer cases and 8.2 million Cancer and Cancer related deaths were registered worldwide. It is also expected that the number of new Cancer cases could rise to 70 % over the next two decades, that is from 14 million to 22 million in 2030. Unfortunately more than 60 % of the world?s total new Cancer cases occur in least developed countries like Ethiopia, which account for 70 % of the world?s Cancer deaths ( WHO 2015 ).

Although there is no national Cancer registry in Ethiopia, a survey from FDRE Ministry Of Health and Addis Ababa Cancer registry indicates that 64,000 new cases of Cancer occur annually where Cervical and Breast Cancer constitute the significant majority of these cases. The problem rose from too little peoples? awareness about Cancer , a very limited treatment facilities and too little government?s and other stakeholders intervention . Hence most of the people in the country are already with the advanced stage of Cancer when they show up at the Hospitals

Considering the treatment facilities , the country is confronted with a range of problems. Tikur Anbessa Hospital with a lot of limitations is still the single governmental Cancer treatment center in the country. Hence a large number of Cancer patients from all over the country are referred to the Hospital which makes the treatment option quite a worse,especially for those from rural areas with no means accommodation in the city of Addis Ababa .

Despite these facts the government?s and other stakeholder?s intervention towards combating the stated problem is very stumpy , and that initiated YE Ethiopia Cancer Association to set up this project entitled ?? Production of a documentary film on the magnitude of Cancer problem in Ethiopia and challenges Cancer patients face during their hospital follow ups?? .

It is hoped that the project would excessively show the extent of Cancer problem in the country.